St Elmo Photo Tour - West Main Street
North side of West Main Street
American House Hotel - Parlor
Located on the northwest corner of First & Main, all that remains of the American House Hotel is the Parlor. For a reference on the size of the original two-story hotel, the parlor was less than 1/4 of the hotel's lower level. Built in 1881/82 it was owned by E.P. Whitney until 1887. In 1941 Anthony Stark purchased the remnants of the hotel and preserved the parlor.
In early 2016 a grant was received to repair the structure and possibly open it for visitors in the summer months. Restoration was began in 2017 and was completed by 2018 as seen below.
July 2017
September 2017
March 2018
Restoration progress - September 2018
Cash - Williams Building
Built between 1881-85 by attorney Reuben Cash as a rental property. It was divided into two stores and may have been leased to the bank shortly after construction. This building was the home of the local brothel and also a mortuary. Local shoemaker Daniel Williams owned the building from 1888-1904. Anna Stark and her children owned it after 1904.
Stark Bros Mercantile & Home Comfort Hotel
The most recognized building in St Elmo. The center portion of the building was built around 1882-84. Later additions added the hotel in the rear and connected the original building to the Heightley - McKenzie - Stark Cottage. The cottage is the left portion of the building with the bay window and somebody watching over town from the upstairs window. This cottage was the residence of Anna Stark. The rear of the first floor and all of the second floor served as the Home Comfort Hotel, operated by Mrs. Stark.
As the area mines shut down in the late teens and early twenties, the Stark children, Roy, Tony, & Annabelle continued to operate a general store, telegraph office, post office, hotel, & cabin rental agency out of this building until the Post Office closed in the early 1950's. Mrs. Stark and her son Roy died in the 1930's. Tony & Annabelle became hoarders and didn't take good care of themselves after their mother died. Annabelle became known as "Dirty Annie" in her later years and often wandered the streets with a rifle to scare away trespassers. There are several stories of strange happenings in town after her death and many believe she still watches over the town.
Sometime in the 1930's or 40's, there was a one story addition added on the right side of the original building with a sloped roof. It remained until at least the 1980's. This addition was the residence of Annabelle Stark. The rumor is that her brother didn't want to share living space with her, so he built the addition. You can still see the marks where the roof was attached to the old hotel and the side of the store.
Fall 2018 - Repair work to the roof and exterior. A new boardwalk was also installed
Cash - Criss - Stark Building
Originally built as a commercial building with a false front around 1882-85 by attorney Reuben Cash. in 1888, Cash sold the building to general store proprietor James Criss who owned it for 2 years. Anna Stark purchased it in 1902 and remodeled it into a rental cottage sometime between 1909-17.
Pushor - Stark Building
This mostly collapsed building is on the north side of main street at the turn-around. The original commercial building was built around 1885-89. The building was expanded several times with a cottage and later an area that may have been a boarding house. Principal owners: 1885-1893 CW Pushor, 1893-1908 John Taylor, & 1908 - 1957 Stark Brothers.
Around 2016 or 2017 repair work was done to the exterior of the building to prevent further damage.
West Main - Beyond the Turn-Around
At the end of main street is a turn around, but there is more to see. The road is blocked off and continues to the southwest following Chalk Creek.
Russell - Clark House
The Russell - clark house was Built around 1885
Winter in St Elmo Colorado
Russell - Thorp Building
One of the earliest commercial buildings in St Elmo. Erected in 1880-81 by Howard Russell, publisher of the St. Elmo Mountaineer, as a rental property. WH Thorp was a later owner from 1895-1901.
Rogers - Smith Building
Built in 1881-82. Front facade appears to be from early 1900's. Principal owners include town marshal WA Rogers, Christina Smith, and from 1906-1933 Norman D Clark, who owned the American House Hotel after 1920.
Williams - Hinman - Soderlind House
Built in the early 1880's, it was the home of shoemaker Daniel Williams & family until 1913. Stage driver Edward Hinman owned it from 1913-16 and miner Albert Soderlind from 1916-1922. Most of the remodeling took place after 1958.
Whitney - Maine House
One of the nicer homes built in St Elmo by EP Whitney who lived here from 1882-1891. Whitney was the original owner of the American House Hotel.
Percy Maine was a later owner from 1911-1927
South side of West Main Street
Town Hall & Jail
April 15 2002 - Fire destroys the original town hall and jail along with several neighboring buildings. Detailed pictures and measurements had already been taken for a planned restoration project. Thanks to that information and generous donations, the town hall and jail were rebuilt a few years later. The town hall is open during the summer months for visitors to check out. The jail is the smaller building attached to the rear of the town hall.
Stark Duplex
Located to the right of the town hall was the one-story Stark Duplex built in 1908. It was also destroyed in the April 2002 fire.
Stark House
Was located to the right of the Stark Duplex. It had been in the Stark family from 1893-1958. Destroyed by fire April 15 2002.
Location of the stark duplex and stark house - west of the town hall
Photo of the Stark House from the Library of congress - historic American buildings survey in the early 1980's
St Elmo Photo Tours:
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